
Determination: Private Collection of Bruce and Wendy Phillips
When I saw Determination, I had the strangest feeling that it was me when I was 8 years old. My father never gave us gifts or took us anywhere as children. The only thing I ever remember him giving me was a hula hoop. He had fashioned it out of heavy black rubber and handed it to me. I was very thin but determined to make this huge heavy hoop circle my waist. And I did it! Over and over. This gift was my father’s way of letting me know he cared about me even if it was never verbalized.
Determination brought that memory into sharp focus. Thank you for bringing it to life for me.
Wendy Bailey
September, 2011

Hope: Private Collection of Tim and Virginia O'Neil
Faith in the Unknown
Hope that springs eternal
and Love in all things big and small.
Tim O’Neil
April 26, 2011

Woven Strings: Private Collection of Robin Jester
Stage left
cello choir rests between
Raw siennas and rich umbers
portray the patina
of high altitude
black ebony
while a mix of neutrals
composed to separate musical passages
provides the body the tenor
of instruments noted to be the closest in
sound to the human voice
Ochres cadmium green cobalt violet Payne’s grey
provide the mellow tones of chamber music heard
from somber strings weaving
harmony and beauty into creativity
creativity into art
art into poetry
poetry into music
music into man.
– Joan E. Day
– January 26, 2008